Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ben Delacreme NOT in Top 3?

UGH.... The Lipton today girl....

Spoiler Alert if you haven't seen the last episode

ARE THEY SERIOUS? WHY? WWWHHYYYY???? Ben Delacreme is winning material. They are insane for NOT sending Darien Lake's ass home. I am SO disappointed. Almost as disappointed as when they sent home Joslyn Fox instead of Adore Delano's weak ass. As a queen myself who would love to be on the show I shouldn't be so critical on the contestants... but this is bullshit. I understand that they're keeping Adore for the viewers she brings in.... but Darien Lake over Ben Delacreme girl? Really? It's a conspiracy. I was planning on talking about how much Beyonce's presale tickets were for her On The Run Tour.... but this just killed me. Well... Courtney or Bianca better take that crown... otherwise they're clearly not looking for talent... Yeah I said it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Beyonce' is coming to San Francisco!!!!!

The LIPTON was HOT this morning girl...

So as you know... Beyonce' has officially announced her tour dates... with JayZ btw. She's actually coming out here to San Francisco, which means I won't be traveling to San Jose or Oakland to see her! She's going to be performing at AT&T park on August 5th!!!
So the info was released this morning that Pre-Sale tickets go on sale tomorrow, HOWEVER, somehow some people already have tickets (I'm guessing through having season passes at the Ballpark or something) and they're already selling them for $150 to $1500. Yes ma'am you read that correctly.... One THOUSAND five Hundred dollars and zero cents. The TRIFlinism. UGH!!!
I've gotta get my hands on those pre-sale tickets... they're only going for $50 - $300. Now I'm down with those prices to see my girl, I just have to be on point about it considering they'll probably sell out within the first two hours of them being on sale.

It's going to be on my mind until she get's here Hopefully I have something else to talk about until then just because I know how it get's to my girl Beysus.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Jumping on the Kim, Kanye, and Pia Gossip.


Usually I can not stand conversations about Kim Kardashian unless it's about her clothes, I never like any conversation about Kanye West, and who the hell is Pia Mia, how do you say her name correctly, and who in their right mind would have an affair with a 17 year old and not expect them to act like a 17 year old about it. Apparently homegirl is posting pictures on instagram and letting the caption be something about how being the other woman is the story of her life..... You're officially a tramp, and don't you dare use that "well he's not my man so it's not my problem," and if you do... you're officially a stupid tramp because he's not leaving his wife for you clearly and all you're not gonna get anything from him.... except in this case... Ms. Pia Mia is getting her little 15 minutes in... but trust and believe... she'll probably go back to being a nobody after this... kinda like that Amber Rose chick... whatever happen to her btw?

Triflant... however... I do think Miss thing is real cute for a little 17 year old. Besides the fact that she's blonde (bleh) I think she might grow up to be prettier then Kim K. (Yeah I said it)

I mean.... I don't get it... Kanye West must have a golden dick because he is so damn annoying and really isn't that cute... oh wait I forgot he's got money... but seriously... these beautiful women couldn't get another man with money?

They can both do better in my opinion.... obviously Pia's got some growing up to do first. Ummm... and when are the statutory rape charges gonna be placed?

But like I said... no conversation about Kanye West has never been interesting nor pleasant in my book.... OH WAIT.... there is one conversation that I found amusing about Kanye AND Kim....


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who is really shocked about attractive drag queens?

Some people think this could be Lipton.....But it's really NOT!

(I'm about to go on a rant so just know that in advance)

What the fuck is this "oh my god he's even cute as a boy!" Girl..... sit the fuck down. He's (and when I say he I'm not talking about anyone in particular...just think of some attractive gay boy you know) a boy in a dress... to be a drag queen... the requirements have nothing to do AT ALL with how you look as a boy. The requirements are just you being a sickening bitch in a wig and a dress and knowing how to put on some make up (for the most part anyway).

Why is it that everyone is always shocked when drag queens take off their make up and they're attractive. Were you expecting a gremlin under that make up? I don't get it, I think it's stupid, annoying, and ignorant to a degree for some of these people to automatically assume that the man underneath it has to be unattractive.

I think a lot of gay men have this preconceived notion that drag queens are all feminine men in and out of drag, and that equates to a lot of them.... not attractive. Now I'm a feminine man in and out of drag and quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck how unattractive you think I may be based on my mannerisms... that's not the point.

The big part of drag is transforming... you're transforming a man to a woman (or something woman like)... and sometimes that includes your mannerisms... I know plenty of men that are just as masculine if not even more so then some of these gym rats... (hell some of them are some of those gym rats).... I don't get it... anyway... for those of you that have closed minds.... look at what you're missing out on....

 Lynesha....my biggest drag crush...you couldn't tell me she's not fine hunny.
Roxxxy Andrews seemed to be everyone's drag crush when she came out.
 Ben's a little cutie.
 As obnoxious as she is Adore's adorable.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Tour Coming This Summer

The Lipton for the SUMMER girrrrrrrl.......

So you know my first Blog had to be about my girl Beyonce'. (say what you will) BUT.... come on now... you guys have heard about her and her man Jay Z going on tour together this summer right? If you ask me I think these two had an idea about it since their sickening performance at the Grammy's.

 A few things:

1. You know their concert tickets are gonna cost about as much as a down-payment on a house in New York City, so if you plan on going and are a regular human being like the most of us with regular jobs that are just enough for us to pay our bills, then you needed to start off saving when Beyonce's career started.

2. No matter how much her tickets costs... (I own every Beyonce' concert on DVD... and have tried to go to most of them every time she comes out here)... it's completely worth it... She puts on an amazing show and you know the girl can sang.... now her teamed up wit Jay Z... you know there's gonna be sickening duet's, sexyness dopeness fabulousness everythingness everywhere...

So I'm gonna try to go... Who's in?

3. The news itself is exciting, and once the headline is posted I'm sure the only thing you need to read the articles for is if you're looking for the date. 

What I like to do sometimes (and I don't know why because it's more frustrating then anything else) is scroll down and read the comments.... from the haters...... and the obsessed...

Not only on news but on Youtube videos and stuff... the comments are so entertaining whether they're frustrating or just hilarious. I honestly don't understand the point of putting comments that are negative about someone on things like this unless it's to cause an uproar.... seriously why do these people waist their time? It's hilarious.... Then you have the obsessed who are willing to curse you the fuck out if you say ANYTHING wrong about who the article is talking about (in this case our girl Beyonce'). These comments are the bests!!!

 So don't judge me based off this picture because it looks better in real life.... but I gotta keep it drag related... I'm gonna go dressed inspired by Beyonce's "Flawless" 

 So I didn't nail it but it was pretty damn close alright bitches!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coming Soon

The last time I blogged was in Early 2011. Now 3 and a half years later, with new goals, new experience, new friends, and a new brand which allows me to write from the standpoint of my favorite character...Pearl Teese.

This new blog coming to you very soon!


Pearl Teese