Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Let's Address The Michael Sam Kiss

LIPTON Ladies and Gents....

So this news has ROCKED these straight haters (Amy Kushner, Don Jones, Derrick Ward, Jack Burkman).... They can't take it.... So for those of you like myself who really don't give a damn about sports... They recruited the first openly gay man in the NFL... when he found out ESPN was recording him, and being excited and joyful he kissed his partner.... They aired that shit and the straight's couldn't contain themselves.... check it out...

This is completely going to be a mark in both gay and sports history... so first off, big congrats to Michael Sam... I'm sure knew the fight he was going to have to continue after realizing what he would be doing. 

A lot of these haters are saying... "Oh I don't care if he was kissing a woman it doesn't matter I just don't wanna see it." Stop right there you lying ass bitches. Every god damn day there are commercials on every channel (EVEN ON THE RADIO YOU CAN HEAR THE SHIT) where there are straight people kissing, I don't hear you guys complaining about any of those coca-cola or bubble gum commercials or anything? So what's the Lipton bitch? You mad because we can make money off the same shit you do and be happy doing the same shit you doing. YES some of us are masculine, YES some of us are good at sports, and YES even with all that we take it up the ass and kiss on men just like any other god damn queen so grow up and deal with it. 

Oh you worried about your precious kids and what they think? Well they're gonna see the same shit if not more in school and hopefully make them comfortable with being themselves and not what television tells them they should automatically be like. Growing up and even today I have to sit through straight commercials that involve romance between straight people... You don't see me telling them to take that shit off television so don't sit here and say that it didn't matter if it was a man or a woman I call your bluff... you know you're a lying ass bitch. You might as well own up to the bigots that you are and be just like the rest of the neanderthal like assholes commenting on youtube talking about all faggots go to hell...

And that's just my opinion on the matter.

But I hope more gays come out and continue to get drafted... people like Don Jones and Derrick Ward are a complete disgrace to not only the NFL but to human society to having such great and lucky careers they have to let stupid shit fall out there mouth like that they both needs to get fired yesterday... Thanks boo's.

I do hope Michael Sam is careful due to how crazy some of these haters are though.

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