Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2nd Alt/Chicago Night/Glamazone's 4th Anniversary

Quick update! Your girl with all the latest Lipton has been busy and on the move!

So I told you guys about my decision to run for Miss Gay California United States.... I PLACED! Second Alternate which means I'm going to Nationals in Washington D.C. in March. I'm SO nervous and really hope I can save and raise enough money for me to be able to go and complete. I have to pay for my ticket, my dancers tickets, my dressers ticket to get out there, as well as our hotel stay. So for any of those who even have a spare dollar.... I can use it... donate here....


Here's a look at my Talent portion here...

ALSO.... as some of my closer friends know, I've been wanting to break out of my usual "style of performance" and have been wanting to do things a little more broadway or classic and was able to do Cookie DoughsThe Monster Shows "Chicago" night at The Edge! It was AMAZING. Cell block tango, and Nowadays Hot Honey Rags have been numbers I've wanted to do ever since I was introduced to Chicago a long time ago, and was able to knock them both off of my bucket list (and them some) all within this one show!

Lastly.... I just want to wish a congrats to my drag Auntie Pollo Del Mar's 4 year Anniversary of running The Glamazone at The Cafe' in San Francisco's Castro. Such a fun show, such great girls that she has in her line ups and I'm so proud to be part of it when I am. I performed for her anniversary show and decided to break out my outfit from my talent portion of Miss Gay California United States because I just love the costume so much... (Thanks Kipper for making it for me!!!)