Friday, December 5, 2014

Shots Fired at Iggy Azalea

I have seen Azealia Banks tweets, although she has a point I think Iggy Azalea raised even bigger points of her getting off topic to what the real issues are and actually taking action. And why didn't Azealia Banks go after Eminem or Justin Timberlake. I think it's sad that we have artists like Macklemore who have been in protests and things but the first thing you hear about Azealia Banks is her running her mouth on Twitter about someone way off topic. Smh


If you missed out on the lipton here's the tweets bellow...

Iggy took the subliminal route by simply addressing her tweets in a general fashion without stating any names.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2nd Alt/Chicago Night/Glamazone's 4th Anniversary

Quick update! Your girl with all the latest Lipton has been busy and on the move!

So I told you guys about my decision to run for Miss Gay California United States.... I PLACED! Second Alternate which means I'm going to Nationals in Washington D.C. in March. I'm SO nervous and really hope I can save and raise enough money for me to be able to go and complete. I have to pay for my ticket, my dancers tickets, my dressers ticket to get out there, as well as our hotel stay. So for any of those who even have a spare dollar.... I can use it... donate here....

Here's a look at my Talent portion here...

ALSO.... as some of my closer friends know, I've been wanting to break out of my usual "style of performance" and have been wanting to do things a little more broadway or classic and was able to do Cookie DoughsThe Monster Shows "Chicago" night at The Edge! It was AMAZING. Cell block tango, and Nowadays Hot Honey Rags have been numbers I've wanted to do ever since I was introduced to Chicago a long time ago, and was able to knock them both off of my bucket list (and them some) all within this one show!

Lastly.... I just want to wish a congrats to my drag Auntie Pollo Del Mar's 4 year Anniversary of running The Glamazone at The Cafe' in San Francisco's Castro. Such a fun show, such great girls that she has in her line ups and I'm so proud to be part of it when I am. I performed for her anniversary show and decided to break out my outfit from my talent portion of Miss Gay California United States because I just love the costume so much... (Thanks Kipper for making it for me!!!)

Friday, September 19, 2014


Last night after work I rushed home to throw on some make up and get down to Cookie Dough's Monster Show at The Edge in the Castro. It was P!nk Tribute night, it was a lot of fun, but damn I'm worn out (had to get up super early for work today). It's always fun being part of that cast, they're always doing something grand and the audience just is so wonderful to the girls.
As this week kicks off Folsom weekend, after last nights show I have two shows tonight, One at Funkatory at Club OMG on 6th Street and right after at Diva's Lounge in the Tenderloin. On top of that I also have a show tomorrow at the EndUp at the Kylie Minono Show which will be a lot of fun.... however I'm sure I'm going to be sssoooo tired.. wish me luck!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Miss Gay California United States 2014

The Latest Lipton...

I've decided to compete for Miss Gay California United States 2014. Both the Winner and the runner up fly over to Washington D.C. in December to compete for Miss Gay United States 2014. Me not being a typical Pageant Queen of course I'm nervous but I want that crown! It's very intimidating. The application itself is 8 pages... in which 7 of those pages are just rules about the pageant and duties if you win. Through the great vine I heard Scarlet Letters, another local drag queen, and La Saveona Hunt, from Seattle Washington, will be competing. Both of which I hear know pageants way more than I do.... but I'm gonna give it a go anyway.

For anyone interested in going the pageant will be held Saturday October 4th at The Arc here in San Francisco. I've yet to find out the time but cross your fingers for me and send good vibes and positive energy my way. I've got a good team helping me out now I just need to deliver!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dolce' Amore


So for those of you who haven't been to Dolce' Amoreit's on Van Ness and Pine street (1477 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94109) out here in San Francisco, you definitely should stop by... especially if you're a fan of Gelato. 

 It's advertised as a "miniature art cafe," and let me be the first to say this place is SO cute! It's a very cozy place with the cutest decorations. Even the way they display their food just makes you want to take pictures if not try everything! Their Gelato....The BOMB! I've been here 2 or 3 Tuesdays in a row and I've tried about 4 or 5 different types of Gelato that they offer... and figuring out which one you want is probably going to be the most difficult thing ever!

They do serve other deserts such as truffles, macaroons, cakes, etc. NOT TO MENTION, they actually serve actual food! You've gotta check this place out if you're looking for short break in your day in the middle of running errands. Great atmosphere, food to refresh that mind, and you'll be off to complete your day with a genuine smile!

Now when I say great atmosphere and cute decorations, I definitely mean that it's one of the cutest things that separate this place from just your normal Gelato place or Cafe'. The tables you sit down to eat at are glass cases... and in the glass cases are really cute and unique jewelry that are actually for sale. Now they are kind of expensive (the jewelry that is) but a baller on a budget like myself sure don't mind eating my little Gelato while at least lookin' at the nice things!

Shout out to my girl Kim Kardashnguyen who helped me out being the unafraid ghetto asian to take all the pictures to make them look artsy and cute, and wasn't afraid to ask for to much and he can agree... they still gave good customer service! Check out my girl at WWW.KIMKARDASHNGUYEN.COM

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Let's Address The Michael Sam Kiss

LIPTON Ladies and Gents....

So this news has ROCKED these straight haters (Amy Kushner, Don Jones, Derrick Ward, Jack Burkman).... They can't take it.... So for those of you like myself who really don't give a damn about sports... They recruited the first openly gay man in the NFL... when he found out ESPN was recording him, and being excited and joyful he kissed his partner.... They aired that shit and the straight's couldn't contain themselves.... check it out...

This is completely going to be a mark in both gay and sports history... so first off, big congrats to Michael Sam... I'm sure knew the fight he was going to have to continue after realizing what he would be doing. 

A lot of these haters are saying... "Oh I don't care if he was kissing a woman it doesn't matter I just don't wanna see it." Stop right there you lying ass bitches. Every god damn day there are commercials on every channel (EVEN ON THE RADIO YOU CAN HEAR THE SHIT) where there are straight people kissing, I don't hear you guys complaining about any of those coca-cola or bubble gum commercials or anything? So what's the Lipton bitch? You mad because we can make money off the same shit you do and be happy doing the same shit you doing. YES some of us are masculine, YES some of us are good at sports, and YES even with all that we take it up the ass and kiss on men just like any other god damn queen so grow up and deal with it. 

Oh you worried about your precious kids and what they think? Well they're gonna see the same shit if not more in school and hopefully make them comfortable with being themselves and not what television tells them they should automatically be like. Growing up and even today I have to sit through straight commercials that involve romance between straight people... You don't see me telling them to take that shit off television so don't sit here and say that it didn't matter if it was a man or a woman I call your bluff... you know you're a lying ass bitch. You might as well own up to the bigots that you are and be just like the rest of the neanderthal like assholes commenting on youtube talking about all faggots go to hell...

And that's just my opinion on the matter.

But I hope more gays come out and continue to get drafted... people like Don Jones and Derrick Ward are a complete disgrace to not only the NFL but to human society to having such great and lucky careers they have to let stupid shit fall out there mouth like that they both needs to get fired yesterday... Thanks boo's.

I do hope Michael Sam is careful due to how crazy some of these haters are though.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Angry Black Woman on Elevator Realness

Now I wasn't going to talk about this but the Lipton too good girl...

SOLANGE WAS AFTER THAT ASS!!!! Now I don't know what the full Lipton was on what set her off.... but you already know Jay Z wish he woulda thought twice about whatever it was that he did. What I'm really worried about is the rumors I've seen that it was about her finding out that he hit Beyonce'... which scarily might make sense considering how she really didn't get too involved in the fight.

Now what Had me cracking up was the meme's and photos that people were putting out after all of it... my favorite....

Now Solange face says it ALL in this photo that was caught as they were walking to the car girl.... She's ready for round two... Jay is so lucky they had that second car. I wanna hear the convo the two sisters had in the car going home considering Beyonce' left with Solange instead of Jay

Giiiiirrrrrrl...... It's been a while since I've ever been that pissed... they're gonna have to at the very least address the issue with the public since that video went viral....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

RHOA Reunion: Porsha Williams Vs. Kenya Moore


I have been waiting for this video since I saw the picture of Kenya Moore tow up. So before I get into it go ahead and watch the video real quick....

Now don't get me wrong I love Kenya Moore... but only in the way I love Tiffany aka New York from Flava of Love. I like the fact that the she's a crazy bitch and just overly dramatic, which creates this comical character. HOWEVER.... what you didn't see in this video was the scepter that Kenya Moore had in Porsha's face before this, then she pulls out that bullhorn (which don't forget is meant for people to hear you from very far away and she's in her face).  I think Porsha went through what you would call in court... temporary insanity. The bitch snapped real quick and was ready to snap Kenya's neck using her weave as a noose to hang the bitch raising her off the ground herself... however... that was not as crazy as a fight I expected.... I mean come on... this is the photo they leaked from the fight...

Okay so I couldn't find the photo... Miss Kenya must have taken had it taken down but girl she looked like she got MOLLY WHOPPED!!!

But seriously... She had the cops called wants to press charges, and that wasn't even a hint of a beating... that was just a little hair pulling, maybe she got dragged a little bit, and hopefully Porsha scored a sucker punch or two. ANYWAY... I feel bad for Porsha... she knows how she looked like an outraged monkey on television.... poor boo boo.  

And before I sign off... can we talk about how Nene Leakes needs to sue her hairstylist...

WHY THEY GOT HER IN THAT TERRIBLE ASS LACE-FRONT NAPPY CROWS NEST BUN PONYTAIL? "So nasty and so rude" is how I feel about that triflinism on her head. This has to be the REAL crime that should've been called to the police... this is how you know she ain't got no real friends... how are your friends or even the other girls on this show gonna let you go on national TV looking like that... NENE GIRL WE CAN SEE THE LACE FROM EAR TO EAR.... Just tragic girl...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ben Delacreme NOT in Top 3?

UGH.... The Lipton today girl....

Spoiler Alert if you haven't seen the last episode

ARE THEY SERIOUS? WHY? WWWHHYYYY???? Ben Delacreme is winning material. They are insane for NOT sending Darien Lake's ass home. I am SO disappointed. Almost as disappointed as when they sent home Joslyn Fox instead of Adore Delano's weak ass. As a queen myself who would love to be on the show I shouldn't be so critical on the contestants... but this is bullshit. I understand that they're keeping Adore for the viewers she brings in.... but Darien Lake over Ben Delacreme girl? Really? It's a conspiracy. I was planning on talking about how much Beyonce's presale tickets were for her On The Run Tour.... but this just killed me. Well... Courtney or Bianca better take that crown... otherwise they're clearly not looking for talent... Yeah I said it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Beyonce' is coming to San Francisco!!!!!

The LIPTON was HOT this morning girl...

So as you know... Beyonce' has officially announced her tour dates... with JayZ btw. She's actually coming out here to San Francisco, which means I won't be traveling to San Jose or Oakland to see her! She's going to be performing at AT&T park on August 5th!!!
So the info was released this morning that Pre-Sale tickets go on sale tomorrow, HOWEVER, somehow some people already have tickets (I'm guessing through having season passes at the Ballpark or something) and they're already selling them for $150 to $1500. Yes ma'am you read that correctly.... One THOUSAND five Hundred dollars and zero cents. The TRIFlinism. UGH!!!
I've gotta get my hands on those pre-sale tickets... they're only going for $50 - $300. Now I'm down with those prices to see my girl, I just have to be on point about it considering they'll probably sell out within the first two hours of them being on sale.

It's going to be on my mind until she get's here Hopefully I have something else to talk about until then just because I know how it get's to my girl Beysus.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Jumping on the Kim, Kanye, and Pia Gossip.


Usually I can not stand conversations about Kim Kardashian unless it's about her clothes, I never like any conversation about Kanye West, and who the hell is Pia Mia, how do you say her name correctly, and who in their right mind would have an affair with a 17 year old and not expect them to act like a 17 year old about it. Apparently homegirl is posting pictures on instagram and letting the caption be something about how being the other woman is the story of her life..... You're officially a tramp, and don't you dare use that "well he's not my man so it's not my problem," and if you do... you're officially a stupid tramp because he's not leaving his wife for you clearly and all you're not gonna get anything from him.... except in this case... Ms. Pia Mia is getting her little 15 minutes in... but trust and believe... she'll probably go back to being a nobody after this... kinda like that Amber Rose chick... whatever happen to her btw?

Triflant... however... I do think Miss thing is real cute for a little 17 year old. Besides the fact that she's blonde (bleh) I think she might grow up to be prettier then Kim K. (Yeah I said it)

I mean.... I don't get it... Kanye West must have a golden dick because he is so damn annoying and really isn't that cute... oh wait I forgot he's got money... but seriously... these beautiful women couldn't get another man with money?

They can both do better in my opinion.... obviously Pia's got some growing up to do first. Ummm... and when are the statutory rape charges gonna be placed?

But like I said... no conversation about Kanye West has never been interesting nor pleasant in my book.... OH WAIT.... there is one conversation that I found amusing about Kanye AND Kim....


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who is really shocked about attractive drag queens?

Some people think this could be Lipton.....But it's really NOT!

(I'm about to go on a rant so just know that in advance)

What the fuck is this "oh my god he's even cute as a boy!" Girl..... sit the fuck down. He's (and when I say he I'm not talking about anyone in particular...just think of some attractive gay boy you know) a boy in a dress... to be a drag queen... the requirements have nothing to do AT ALL with how you look as a boy. The requirements are just you being a sickening bitch in a wig and a dress and knowing how to put on some make up (for the most part anyway).

Why is it that everyone is always shocked when drag queens take off their make up and they're attractive. Were you expecting a gremlin under that make up? I don't get it, I think it's stupid, annoying, and ignorant to a degree for some of these people to automatically assume that the man underneath it has to be unattractive.

I think a lot of gay men have this preconceived notion that drag queens are all feminine men in and out of drag, and that equates to a lot of them.... not attractive. Now I'm a feminine man in and out of drag and quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck how unattractive you think I may be based on my mannerisms... that's not the point.

The big part of drag is transforming... you're transforming a man to a woman (or something woman like)... and sometimes that includes your mannerisms... I know plenty of men that are just as masculine if not even more so then some of these gym rats... (hell some of them are some of those gym rats).... I don't get it... anyway... for those of you that have closed minds.... look at what you're missing out on.... biggest drag couldn't tell me she's not fine hunny.
Roxxxy Andrews seemed to be everyone's drag crush when she came out.
 Ben's a little cutie.
 As obnoxious as she is Adore's adorable.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Tour Coming This Summer

The Lipton for the SUMMER girrrrrrrl.......

So you know my first Blog had to be about my girl Beyonce'. (say what you will) BUT.... come on now... you guys have heard about her and her man Jay Z going on tour together this summer right? If you ask me I think these two had an idea about it since their sickening performance at the Grammy's.

 A few things:

1. You know their concert tickets are gonna cost about as much as a down-payment on a house in New York City, so if you plan on going and are a regular human being like the most of us with regular jobs that are just enough for us to pay our bills, then you needed to start off saving when Beyonce's career started.

2. No matter how much her tickets costs... (I own every Beyonce' concert on DVD... and have tried to go to most of them every time she comes out here)... it's completely worth it... She puts on an amazing show and you know the girl can sang.... now her teamed up wit Jay Z... you know there's gonna be sickening duet's, sexyness dopeness fabulousness everythingness everywhere...

So I'm gonna try to go... Who's in?

3. The news itself is exciting, and once the headline is posted I'm sure the only thing you need to read the articles for is if you're looking for the date. 

What I like to do sometimes (and I don't know why because it's more frustrating then anything else) is scroll down and read the comments.... from the haters...... and the obsessed...

Not only on news but on Youtube videos and stuff... the comments are so entertaining whether they're frustrating or just hilarious. I honestly don't understand the point of putting comments that are negative about someone on things like this unless it's to cause an uproar.... seriously why do these people waist their time? It's hilarious.... Then you have the obsessed who are willing to curse you the fuck out if you say ANYTHING wrong about who the article is talking about (in this case our girl Beyonce'). These comments are the bests!!!

 So don't judge me based off this picture because it looks better in real life.... but I gotta keep it drag related... I'm gonna go dressed inspired by Beyonce's "Flawless" 

 So I didn't nail it but it was pretty damn close alright bitches!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coming Soon

The last time I blogged was in Early 2011. Now 3 and a half years later, with new goals, new experience, new friends, and a new brand which allows me to write from the standpoint of my favorite character...Pearl Teese.

This new blog coming to you very soon!


Pearl Teese